Friday, February 19, 2010

Java Server Faces

JSF is using for building server-side user interfaces that will make web application development even easier.

I will explain how to start the JSF..
  1. You must locate the latest stable version of Tomcat from website. To minimize installation complexities, choose the "zip" file.
  2. You need to save the zip file (named something like to your computer.
  3. Then unzip the file into a directory of your choice (such as /usr/local or c:\). The program is contained in a subdirectory named something like jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7.
  4. Then download the latest version of the JSF Reference Implementation from
  5. Save the zip file (named something like to your computer.
  6. Unzip the file into a directory of your choice (such as /usr/local or c:\). The program is contained in a subdirectory named something like jsf-1_1_01.
    NOTE: For your own sanity,
    do not unzip into a directory containing spaces (such as Program Files or My Documents).
  7. Copy all JAR files files from the lib subdirectory of your JSF installation (such as c:\jsf-1_1_01\lib) to the common/lib subdirectory of Tomcat
  8. Copy the following two JAR files from the webapps/jsp-examples/WEB-INF/lib subdirectory of your Tomcat installation.
    • jstl.jar
    • standard.jar
  9. to get a detail and more explaination, refer this website


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