Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What i'm understand about IT security goals is to provide strong network logon authentication and at the same time reduce the and help desk costs that are associated with supporting users who forget their passwords or who let their passwords expire.Besides that, to preventing users from downloading or from using nontrusted and nonsigned content from the Internet. Sometimes, IT security use to provide availability, integrity,confidentiality and nonrepudiation for general business e-mail messages. I will explain about availability, integrity and confidentiality after this. Let me explain about the different between NTFS and Fat32.

Fat 32 is old file system that is simple, but if need to access from DOS or win9x, this Fat32 is suitable. Is also well-documented, readable from a large number of OSs, and supported by a wide range of tools while a newer file system that is faster, safer, space efficient, feature-rich, proprietary, undocumented at the raw bytes level, and subject to change - even within Service Packs of the same OS version. To get detail, refer to this website

The differentiate between availability, integrity,confidentiality :

Means that, computer or asset cannot being used by other unauthorized person because it is privacy and secrecy.
Example : there are two user had been created. User1 do not have authority to see,modified or do anything to User2 folder or file.Only User2 have authority can do anything to their computer or assets.

Means that, user can access their own file or information anytime they want without a failure and it remains available or secure.
Example : User1 can access their own information anytime they want but User2 cannot do anything eventhough User1 had been removed or delete by administrator.

Means that, only own user can do any changes to their data.
Example : User1 can added, deleted or updated their data. User1 can only do the task that been set by administrator.

Let me explain how to convert from FAT disk into NTFS.There are a few step :

  1. Log on Windows 2003 Server as Administrator.
  2. Click [Start] and after that Click [Run]
  3. Type cmd to open command line at type chkntfs d: Notes : You will get a message "D: is not dirty"
  4. Then type convert d: /fs:ntfs. If the drive has a volume label, enter it when prompted.
  5. Type chkntfs d : to verify that drive is now NTFS.
  6. Finish.


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