Sunday, July 19, 2009

Our Lecturer :
En. Zaki

?? IT Security??
For me, IT security is about the need of information which can prevents hackers from attacking our Web site but importance thing, we must know tools such as cryptography and firewall. If we are expert in this area, it is something good because it will become as career opportunities and importance of IT security. From day to day, belong to our country, we can see the increasing demand by government and private industry.

What I’m learned ………………..
What IT Security

protection of information, system, software, hardware ffrom danger and hacker.

Method of defense
Prevent, deter , deflect, detect, recover
Control –Encryption, software or program controls, hardware control, policies & procedure control, physical control

Security Trends
Attack Sophistication increase from year to year.
Security Area

Detection(using scanner),prevention(proxy, firewall),recovery(cryptography techniques and proper planning)

Security Architecture
defined by ITU-T Recommendation X.800 or OSI Security Architecture and developed as an international standard to structured definition of services and mechanisms.

Security Principles
Confidentially, integrity and availability

Security Policy

set of rules includes of authorization, access control policy and accountability.

Security Attacks/ Threats
Passive Attack (to obtain data that being transmitted) vs Active Attack (to obtain authorization)

Security Services

defined by X.800 and RFC 2828. Categories : Data Integrity, authentication, data confidentially, non repudiation, access control

Security Mechanisms
Any process that is designed to detect, prevent or recover from a security attack.Two classes :


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