Monday, September 28, 2009

When we talk about the security in networks, we actually need to know what network definition to make we more deeply understand. Network for me is something can make multiple user connect in same time to each other. Connection happend when there are seven layer in network connect each other and each layer do their task. Seven layer is Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link and Physical. (click to get a detail about the layer).

Network Security problem area discuss on authentication, secrecy, non-repudiation and integrity control.Example of authentication is commonly done through the use of passwords when user login. So knowledge of the password important to assumed to guarantee that the user is authentic. While non-repudiation problem is exchange something on network without a trusted third party. For me, integrity control means certificate of access control which can be solved by employing one way hash functions.

The bigger problem in securing the network is to prevent our network from the hacker or attacker. Hacker is a bad people which try to attack our computer, resources or files.
Hacking can be divided into 5 :

  1. Reconnaisance - by initial planning study detecting enemy before attack example by using googling or dumpster diving
  2. Scanning - Attacker learn network using structure traceroute or ping.
  3. Gaining Access - issuing the access to the enemy resources
  4. Maintaining Access - such as troubleshoot identity and access solutions
  5. Covering Track - contruction phase or cover the data


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